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The following Li-Fi research projects, involving members and collaborators of the Li-Fi Research and Development Centre, provide research background on activity currently underway.
Processor Automated Synthesis by iTerative Analysis (PASTA-2)
Processor Automated Synthesis by iTerative Analysis (PASTA-2) brings together research in microprocessor design, software, signal processing, and the important emerging application area of Li-Fi. The overall objective of the PASTA-2 project is to investigate new and novel methods of automating the design of embedded systems to enable the timely creation of future generations of high-performance low-power digital appliances.
Ultra-Parallel Visible Light Communications (UP-VLC)
Ultra-Parallel Visible Light Communications (UP-VLC) is an ambitious project, funded through an EPSRC Programme Grant, which will explore the transformative technology of communications in an imaginative and foresighted way. The vision is built on the unique capabilities of gallium nitride (GaN) optoelectronics to combine optical communications with lighting functions, and especially on the capability to implement new forms of spatial multiplexing, where individual elements in high-density arrays of GaN based light emitting diodes (LEDs) provide independent communications channels, but can combine as displays.
Tackling the Looming Crisis in Wireless Communication
Proposes radical new solutions to the looming “spectrum crisis”, whereby the demand for data sent through wireless networks increases far faster than the necessary bandwidth can be made available. Recent advancements in light emitting diode (LED) device technology now seems to let the vision of using light for high speed wireless communications become a reality. By using the visible and infrared spectrum to supplement the r.f. spectrum, there are potential large overall performance improvements when wireless systems can select their transmission medium autonomously and in a dynamic as well as self-organising fashion.
Towards Ultimate Communication Network Convergence (TOUCAN)
Towards Ultimate Communication Network Convergence (TOUCAN) will develop a unified information-driven ICT architecture, where seamless and flexible use of heterogeneous network resources and end devices will optimally interconnect any users, machines and data sets. A service driven approach will provide solutions that consider global resiliency and security issues, and aims to alleviate bottlenecks in capacity, connectivity, spectrum utilization, resource and energy efficiency, and will address Quality of Service and Quality of Experience metrics across the end-to-end communications paths.